Download vorbis small gods
Download vorbis small gods

download vorbis small gods download vorbis small gods

Which do you think is more important? If you want good sound quality choose Ogg Vorbis, if you want small filesize choose MIDI. So it's a simple tradeoff between filesize and sound quality. The main drawback of Ogg Vorbis is it would make the game take up more disk space and make the download size a lot bigger (Ogg Vorbis files, unlike MIDI files, are not compressible any further if you put them in ZIP files, so they stay just as big). Right now the SVN versions of the game use MIDI music but this could easily be changed to Ogg Vorbis which has better sound quality but larger filesize. Unlike the last poll I did I tried to make this poll not sound biased in favor of any answer. MOD as the best format to use for music in Liberal Crime Squad.

download vorbis small gods

Hi I'm adding a new poll here on Ogg Vorbis vs.

Download vorbis small gods